Presumed hemocytic neoplasms in scorpions
Although neoplasia has been documented in invertebrates, it has not been reported in scorpions. This report describes presumed hemocytic neoplasia in 2 scorpions: a >3-year-old, female emperor scorpion (Pandinus imperator) and a >4-year-old, male, Asian forest scorpion (Heterometrus sp.). The emperor scorpion had a 1-month history of body wall swelling separating the exoskeleton of the caudal opisthosoma. At necropsy, this corresponded to a white mass in the caudal coelom. The forest scorpion was found dead and processed whole for histology, at which point multiple masses were identified in the coelom and invading skeletal muscle. Histologically, both masses were composed of sheets of hemocytes with round to oval nuclei; eosinophilic, periodic acid Schiff-positive, cytoplasmic granules; mild cellular atypia; and low mitotic rates. Features of inflammation (e.g., melanization and nodulation) were not observed. These masses were diagnosed as a hemocytoma (emperor scorpion) and a hemocytic sarcoma (forest scorpion), possibly of plasmatocyte origin.
Thomas S, Gaudette C, Spiro S, Dombrowski DS, LaDouceur EEB. Presumed hemocytic neoplasms in scorpions.
Veterinary Pathology. 2024;0(0). doi: