What’s this with all these Megaphobema and Pamphobeteus petersi changes and why?
"After the recent publication of
“Pamphobeteus Pocock, 1901:
redescriptions, new species and records,
description of a missing sex, with
taxonomic notes and changes in
Megaphobema Pocock, 1901 (Araneae:
Theraphosidae)” by Sherwood, et. al.
2023, I have had some emails from
hobbyists asking me how I worked all of
this out. So, after a few lengthy emails I
thought an article for the Journal may
help others"...
--- Ray Gabriel
Gabriel, R. (2024). What’s this with all these Megaphobema and Pamphobeteus petersi changes and why?. British Tarantula Society Journal 38(3): 5-18. https://wsc.nmbe.ch/refincluded/17595