Obituary: Rich Ayrey


Obituary: Rich Ayrey

Below is additional information as posted on Jan Ove Reins' "The Scorpion Files Newsblog"

"Yesterday I got the sad news from multiple postings on Facebook that Rich Ayrey is no longer among us. Most, if not all of us in the scorpion community knew Rich. Either by personal communication or from his many important contributions in the taxonomy of the family Vaejovidae from Arizona and California.

Around 2011 I had the first contact with Rich when he generously shared some pictures of rare Vaejovis species for me to use in The Scorpion Files. Later he was very helpful by sending me new articles that he had published. And he always added some nice and supportive comments in his emails which I appreciated very much.

Rich will be missed by the scorpion comunity. 

My thoughts are with Rich's family and friends.


Jan Ove Rein
Editor of The Scorpion Files"